Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Inspirational Blog Hop: Day 3 & announcement

For some CRAZY reason, I could not upload this to blogger to announce Anita joining my FabFour Design team. It was taking FOREVER and A DAY. Well, today is a new day...and it finally works!
Please welcome Anita Recksiedler to the Fabulous Four!
 Yesterday she posted a beautiful card with the Deck The Halls set on her blog!
Thank you Anita for joining my personal design team! YAY!

The Design Team for Gina K. Designs welcomes you to another fabulous Inspiration Blog Hop!!! Gina and the Design Team will inspire you with many beautiful ideas! And as you hop through their blogs, make sure to leave a comment on each of them because we will choose a few random comments and those stampers will each win a grab bag of Gina K. Designs products! To see the full list of winners check the Big News forum at Stamp TV a couple of days after the hops!!

The first set I am playing with today is City Of David (part of the Stamp TV kit). I LOVE this set! LOVE IT!  Here is my favorite card. I love the designer paper from the Merry Little Christmas pack. 

 Same stamp set (City of David) with some of those adorable images. I love the sentiment. I used copics to create the dawn scene....I imagine them walking across the cold desert....

 Oh my gosh, this Holiday Tags set is so SUPER cute. I love this little penguin. I was attempting (for about 10 minutes) to take pictures of my cards. I must have a half dozen of the card flipping over...Thank you Sandy! This was the best I could do. I put the penguin on some stickle/ice...I love him!

 Finally, a clean and simple card with the Merry Little Christmas set ALSO in the Stamp TV kit! TWO SETS? Wahooo! This one was so super simple. I stamped the holly berry twice - once directly on the card and once on a scrap piece and layered it on top. Super simple and clean, and I love the sentiment in chocolate brown! 

 Are you ready to see what the other ladies have in store for y'all?

all items from Gina K. Designs unless otherwise noted

City Of David Swirly Card

stamps: City Of David (Merry Little Christmas Stamp TV kit)
paper: Merry Little Christmas, honey mustard
ink: peanut brittle, chocolate, black
misc: custom cut file

City Of David Sunrise Card

stamps: City Of David (Merry Little Christmas Stamp TV kit)
paper: sweet corn, sweet mango, white
ink: black, copics
misc: custom cut file

Holiday Tag Penguin Card

stamps: Holiday Tags
paper: white, fresh asparagus, cherry red, jelly bean green
ink: black, bamboo leaves
misc: custom cut file, circle punch, swiss dots folder, stickles

Merry Little Christmas Holly Card

stamps: Merry Little Christmas Stamp TV kit
paper: ivory
ink: bamboo leaves, chocolate, copics
misc: corner punch, red bling gems


  1. Awesome! I really like the second one.

  2. Beautiful cards, Beth! I love what you did with the silhouette images from City of David. Gorgeous! The penguin card is adorable. love the bg snowflakes. Finally, the last card is the added dimension!

  3. Beautiful cards, Beth! Fantastic job with City of David. Love that scene!

  4. Love, love, love your Wisemen in the desert card! WOW!

  5. The silhouette cards are gorgeous. Especially the one with the sun-set shading.

  6. Wonderful designs today Beth. Thanks for the inspiration, can't wait to get started!

  7. All so beautiful, but I have to say the Wise Men at sunrise has to be my favourite! Great images, fabulous colours, gives me the shivers! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Love your cards! Especially the scene with the 3 kings!

  9. Beautifully designed cards Beth, love them.

  10. Love the second card and that idea with colorful background!

  11. Love everything you made, especially the cards you made with the City of David set.

  12. How lovely are your cards. Inspiring!

  13. All your cards are great. I will have to order the kit this weekend. Love them.

  14. I just may have to order this kit after all, the cards are great

  15. What fantastic cards. I own the TV kit and your designs are especially interesting and inspiring to me. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Great cards. I never thought of using copics to do a background. It works beautifully.

  17. You've showcased this kit beautifully; so much so that I've moved it from "wish list" to "must have." Thank you for sharing and inspiring; your projects are gorgeous (and we appreciate the extra time you dedicated to taking the photos!!)

  18. Fun, fun cards - love the CAS ones :)

  19. Beth, I love the DP on the first card. You did an great job on these cards.

  20. Lovely cards. I like the dawn you created with copics.

  21. Fab job, Beth!!! I love the first one and the second... oh and the last. LOL Great job!

  22. Another great blog hop today with loads of fab ideas, thanks for the inspiration!

    Carol B

  23. Such wonderful cards today! I really like your desert scene, very powerful!

  24. I like them all, but the sunrise card is my fave!

  25. another day of wonderful inspiration...tfs

  26. Your Wise Men cards are just beautiful, particularly the first one! Just love it!

  27. Fantastic cards! Love the background on the second one. Just lovely!

  28. lovely! nice use of the designer paper on the first card- and of course I love the holly card!

  29. Awesome cards but the 1st one w/the City of David is STUNNING!

  30. Oh my word...those cards are just wonderful. Thanks for sharing your great talent.

  31. Wonderful job! Love the City of David cards!

  32. Fabulous City of David desert card, Beth!

  33. Great cards! I really like the one with the wise men!

  34. Great set of cards! The wise men coloring is beautiful, and the holly card is so clean and simple-love it!

  35. Beautiful cards love everything great Stamp sets.

  36. LOVE your cards! LOVE the desert color scheme on the "Wise Men Still Seek Him" card!

  37. Your cards are so lovely, especially the Three Wise Men, just really like what you did with that one.

  38. Love the The Three Wise Men! All your cards are great.

  39. Beautiful cards! I love how you created the dawn scene. So pretty!

    Snoopy :D
    Snoopy's Homemade Fun

  40. Lovely cards. TRhank you


  41. Beth, I love the simplicity of your cars - just great!

  42. Love your CAS style!

    Kris in Alaska
    funamom at yahoo dot com

  43. I agree, the Merry Little Christmas designer papers are wonderful!

  44. I love how simple these cards are. Sometimes I think we should go back to that. Thanks

  45. These are all wonderful, love the city of David cards in particular

  46. Fast, simple, lovely cards. Just what I neeeed to see for Christmas card ideas. TFS ! ! !
    Jean McGee

  47. I love the colors with the Wise Men in the horizon. Beautiful cards!

  48. Wow! You are truly talented. Beautiful cards.

  49. Beautiful cards as usual, Beth. Thanks for sharing

  50. Thanks for showing off your pretty cards. Your talent shows through them.

  51. Very pretty cards, Beth! I like the holy one best, but love the rest, too. It was hard to choose!!

  52. Great cards. I love the wise men. Not the traditional colors.


I love your feedback - thanks for taking the time to comment!