Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Gina K. Designs Inspiration Blog Hop: Introducing Lots of Lines & Poster Board Christmas

The Design Team for Gina K. Designs welcomes you to another fabulous Inspiration Blog Hop! Gina and the Design Team will inspire you with many beautiful ideas! And as you hop through their blogs, make sure to leave a comment on each of them because we will choose a few random comments and those stampers will each win a grab bag of Gina K. Designs products! To see the full list of winners check the Big News Forum at StampTV a few days after the hops.

 Are you prepared for some fun samples with these great new sets?

This is my latest (and I must humbly say, greatest) set for Gina K. Designs.  I love that I will be able to leave this set on my desk and just grab the images or sentiments and create a clean and simple card so easily!
Gradient butterflies - gasp! - and dew drops in the center of each

using the circles and some masculine colors

Becky's set is very fun to work with! Moonlit fog with red hot!

all items from Gina K. Designs unless otherwise noted


  1. Super gorgeous samples with your set, Beth! wowee!

  2. Great cards. I love the butterflies. Thanks for the great inspiration.

  3. LOVE this set and your cards with it Beth!! I did a butterfly card ALMOST exactly like that first one...I submitted it though! :D

  4. Beautiful stamps, beautiful cards, unique designs.

  5. I love this set!! Your cards are beautiful!!

  6. Love this set! Very clean and simple but outstanding......endless possibilities! Love, love the font!

  7. Very pretty! I like the circles and butterflies with the lines in all the different colours. The little gems are such a lovely finishing touch.
    The red and green card makes a nice traditional greeting. The bright red really pops on the soft green.
    Thanks for sharing! :)

  8. Beth: What a statement these cards make! Beautiful, simple but elegant. I especially love the butterflies card. The stamp set is absolutely darling.

  9. Fabulous cards, these two sets are so versatile, love them!!

  10. Lovely cards, I especially loved the butterflies!

  11. I love love love your new set!! So stylish and trendy! The way you uses your set in these cards is fabulous!!

  12. Love the gradient butterflies! Thanks for the inspiration.

  13. Love your new set. The cards are simple but beautiful.

  14. Great ideas with your set. love the stacked butterflies! I just adore the sentiments in this set---will def be my go-to set for cards!

  15. I love the multi-colors along the edge with the sentiment stamped dark on top! Especially the butterflies.

  16. Awesome stamp set and beautiful cards! I am going to love owning these two.

  17. Super amazing cards love the way you used the stamps. love the way you have layered them along the side and added the bling it adds such a Amazing touch. thanks for sharing.

  18. Great designs Beth! Love the one with butterflies!

  19. Beautiful cards, Beth. Just love these stamp sets.

  20. Ooooh Beth! Stop it! I love this set and I'm trying to save my pennies. May not buy it this month, but it's on my list. I love those gradient stacks - elegant and fun!

  21. Beautiful cards, I can't wait to get these sets!

  22. Love the butterflies. Simple yet cute. Great idea using the circles for a man card.

  23. Beth, this is such a gorgeous set! Love it!

  24. LOVE your Birthday cards, that font is FABULOUS!

  25. I love this set and it is on the way today. I can do so much with it as you have shown. Your right, I maybe my favorite.

  26. I love this set! So clever with the lines!

  27. These are great cards! I love that the first two are so similar, and yet so different. Fun take on using the sets.

  28. Great cards! Great go to stamp sets!

  29. All three cards are awesome. I love that you included a masculine card!

  30. Love the Lines set!! All the sets this time are great.

  31. Very simple but with a huge impact! Love your cards

  32. I really love your clean & simple style. I think it is timeless & elegant. Even though Lots of Lines is not a holiday set, I could definitely use it with my holiday cards!

  33. Beautiful CAS cards. Lovin the line stamps

  34. Beautiful cards and love the colors.Thanks for sharing and hugs:)

  35. Nothing like CAS cards (if you know how to make them, that is)! These are lovely.

  36. This set is so versatile! Love your cards!

  37. Your cards are just beautiful. Thank you for sharing them


  38. Lovely cards! Just love these new stamps!

  39. Great cards. Love the lines on the new stamps.

  40. I love the card with the ombre butterflies. You are so talented and creative.

  41. Clean and simple and still stunning. Love these.

  42. I love the Lot of Lines set. You make it look so easy to use and create for both man and women. Thanks.

  43. I love the Lot of Lines set. You make it look so easy to use and create for both man and women. Thanks.

  44. Your cards have inspired me - both with products and techniques used in making them. Thanks for some great ideas!

  45. I absolutely LOVE your lots of lines set! That is one that will not ever get far from my desk. It just speaks to me! :)


I love your feedback - thanks for taking the time to comment!