Friday, October 25, 2013

Gina K. October Release Inspiration Hop: Day 2 (Fleece Navibaa and Cheers)

The Design Team for Gina K. Designs welcomes you to another fabulous Inspiration Blog Hop! Gina and the Design Team will inspire you with many beautiful ideas! And as you hop through their blogs, make sure to leave a comment on each of them because we will choose a few random comments and those stampers will each win a grab bag of Gina K. Designs products! To see the full list of winners check the Big News Forum at StampTV a few days after the hops.

Let's see what we have in store today. 

I really enjoy the holidays, but I am not ready for them quite yet.  Took me a little while to get in the holiday card zone.  I think that Debbie's Fleece Navibaa did just that - made me holiday happy! Look at this little sheep! Ewe are so adorable! I used a CAS layout to create this one:

Here is a cute, yet simple tag idea which is easily replicable (well, maybe not for the amount of Tags I need for the holidays)
I used the Happy holidays sentiment and Just for Ewe! Ha! That sheep cracks me up!

I had some grey card stock on my craft table (shocker - it's still not clean) and I paired it with some of this polka dot designer paper (also in the pile of crap on my desk).  Found the button stuck to the bottom of a bottle of glue, so I slapped that bad boy to the card! Probably left over from another project, because it was already sportin the bakers twine!  Do you ever do that - start a project and put an element aside and lose that little bugger?  I do it all the time!

Finally, I used some leftover designer paper from a previous project (also on the desk, which is still not clean because I am doing this blog post). To me, those white dots look like bubbles going up in a champagne glass - so it made perfect sense in my brain to pair it with *this* stamp!  Cheers!  I think I need a drink! 

I need to go clean my desk!

While I am doing that, why don't you take a gander at what the other design team members have in store!

all items from Gina K. Designs unless otherwise noted


  1. Great cards. Love how you did the Christmas tree.

  2. very creative twist to your cards, nice showcasing of the stamps

  3. Love your sheep card nibbling on to the lights!

  4. That sheep set is so cute! Love your tag!!

  5. Aaww cute, I didn't even realize he could stand up and hang lights!!!

  6. I need that sheep to come to my house and hang some lights!

  7. Love the lamb tag - also the tree looks really good.

  8. I never thought to have the sheep standing up to hang lights...he almost reminds me of percy there in a way...we should *totally* put antlers & lights on percy. Just sayin'

    Your cards are awesome..that tag is ridiculously cute...<3!

  9. All of these cards are wonderful. Sometimes I get the best inspiration by the left over papers on my desk. These are so creative.

  10. Like your choice of DP to go with the champagne glasses. Cute tag.

  11. Oh my goodness! I have tears from laughing. I think we could be best friends. Thank you for being real. Looks to me like the best card making inspiration is a messy table.

  12. Oh the one with the gingham is my fave!

  13. Amazing as always Beth! Love them!!! Hugs! Seanie

  14. Adore the sheep but that Christmas tree is just gorgeous too.... can't wait to get it and apply some perfect pearls!!!!

  15. I love these little woolies they are so fun.

  16. I like the little gray sheep. He or she is so cute. I fell in love with this set and the Christmas tree. I love the originality of the sheep set.

  17. Your cards are soooo pretty! Love the little lamb! What a cute idea for a tag!!

  18. Hanging lights is adorable. The Tree is gorgeous All are beautifully done. Plus you made me laugh out loud. Great inspirations.

  19. Beth, your cards are spectacular. I love the designs you used to make these.

  20. What wonderful projects you made using these sets. I love them all.

  21. Love our adorable sheep cards, Beth -- too cute!!

  22. Adorable stamps and great ideas!

  23. The sheep are cute but rally love the tree

  24. Your cards are darling, but I have to say that I am loving the new Just for Ewe set. Those frisky little sheep are too cute.

  25. Great ideas. Thanks for the inspiration.

  26. I love the little lights what fun they will be to work with and the tree on your card is just beautiful.

  27. Very nice! Now I am inspired to get going on some Xmas cards!

  28. Such cute cards! That little sheep cracks me up, too! I love your gift tag! Thanks for sharing your fun ideas!

  29. Such wonderful inspiration, beautiful cards

  30. LOVE that tag and your pink Champagne! Cheers!

  31. Great projects. Love the little tag.

  32. Love all your inspiration and especially your commentary! Kept me smiling & motivated!

  33. I love all your designs. You gave me some good ideas! I also like your sense of humor. You obviously don't take yourself too seriously. Thanks for sharing.

  34. I really like all your projects especially that little tag.

  35. Your tags are really nice and I love the tree card.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Love all four of your creations Beth. Great inspiration, thanks.

  38. Very cute card and tag with the sheep and I like the elegant tree.

  39. Love the lights strands stamp! Thanks for sharing!

  40. I love the sheep on the tag! Great job!

  41. Great cards and tag! Love the sweet Fleece set and that tree is so elegant!

  42. Such a variety and all so clean and bright! TFS!

  43. My desk must look like yours then! I've got to clean it off. What better way than to get started with these great stamp sets! Thanks.

  44. Your cards and tags are just beautiful. I love the first card with the lambs. Thanks for sharing


  45. I love how you've added some color not only to your card but to your sheep! And the rosy cheeks are so cute.

  46. All great cards, but I have to say the sheep is too cute! :)

  47. The sheep hanging the lights is too fun and love that little tag! Your cheers cards are just delightful!!!

  48. Beth: Your cards and comments made me smile. Your clever use of leftover materials spread on your desk are a justification for keeping them aside (organized chaos!). Cheers!

  49. That little tag is so totally cute - and I love the simplicity of the "leftover" tree card. BTW - I so often do those little extra embellies and then decide not to use them. I have a box of them that I go through every so often.

  50. That little tag is neat, and don't worry about your desk, it can't be any worse than mine. I don't know what is buried there.

  51. Wow you must have a really big desk! It has great stuff on it and you did wonderful creative cards with it. Thank you!

  52. Your cards are great! I love how the sheep is hanging the lights!

  53. Thanks for sharing your great cards; the" ewe on the blue" made me smile!

  54. Your cards are wonderful I especially love the first one what a hoot TFS

  55. Beth, I really love your ewe card: the blue paper & stone embellishments! I love the blue. Your tag was also very cute. You did a good job on all of your cards!

  56. I like all your samples. Aren't these the most fun ewes?

  57. Love your cards and tag. They're beautiful!

  58. Love your card with the blue paper and also like the tag. Thanks for sharing.

    Linda D.

  59. I love those little sheep. Think the one hanging lights is so funny. I think I'll have to CASE the tree card.


I love your feedback - thanks for taking the time to comment!