Monday, November 2, 2015

Sparkling Christmas StampTV kit Inspiration Hop

Welcome to the fabulous Inspiration Blog Hop with Gina K's Design Team! This blog hop is for the brand spanking new StampTV Kit, Sparkling Christmas. The colors in this kit include: edible eggplant, fresh asparagus, prickly pear, cherry red, lovely lavender and white! There are some great designer paper options and the super fun snowflake dies! 

Here are the Monthly Incentive Stamps!

Today, Gina, along with the Cast and Crew, will inspire you with many beautiful ideas! And as you hop through their blogs, make sure to leave a comment on each of them because we will choose a  random comment and that stamper will win a grab bag of Gina K. Designs products! To see who won, check the Big News Forum at StampTV a few days after the hop.

Card 1:
Would you like to see some of those "Incentives" in action? I used the 3D foam snowflakes and Snowflake sequins along with a sparkle button from my collection on this first card. Simply place the foam snowflake on your card and add any other embellishment you want (I added a light blue sparkle button to the center of the snowflake). Then you simply sprinkle it with glitter. I stamped the sentiment from the kit in white and added more glitter (the white ink grabs the glitter!) The base is edible eggplant! 

Card 2:
The great thing about the kit is you have the perfect base colors to get paired with the designer paper.  I used the tree paper along with the fresh asparagus and cherry red.  I used white ink on the punched circle!

Card 3:
The next two cards are done with white and kraft. This first one has a splash of red, which just POPS! I stamped the tree images along the bottom, then took a wet watercolor brush (almost drippy wet) and picked up the white color left on the stamp.  A couple of flicks of the brush and it created a nice snow effect. I doused the wet white ink trees and droplets with glitter.  I stamped the sentiment on white with cherry red ink. (little secret, I tried to stamp it right on the card, but it smeared when the ink hit the glitter. instead of tossing the card, I simply added a small white sentiment block. YES~! Card saved!). I love the hint of red in the bakers twine! 

Card 4:
When you have another half of the card cut, why not make another white and kraft card. I wanted to make a blizzard background. There are a few cute snowflakes in the kit, so I stamped them all over the background and then again, wet my watercolor brush and picked up the white from the stamps.  I flicked the water to create spots which really filled in the blank spaces. A sprinkle of glitter and boom - blizzard effect! I stamped the sentiment in kraft ink on the white card stock. I used a piece of white velvet ric arc under the sentiment and then tied on a piece of rustic twine. 

Ready for more inspiration?

Just click on the links below for more from the Illustrators and Design Team!!

Beth Silaika <= you are here

Thank you for stopping by! Don’t forget to stop by the Gina K Designs Store to purchase your StampTV Kit at

all items from Gina K. Designs unless otherwise noted


  1. My fave is the last! Looove craft cards at Christmas!

  2. Wonderful cards Beth. I love your Kraft cards! :) <3

  3. Beautiful cards, but I really love the frosty snowflakes on the Kraft card stock. So festive!

  4. Ooo - I really like the tree one!! Gorgeous frostiness!! ~ Tricia

  5. The second one was one of my favs during the release but now it is hard to pick favorites. All are so special in their own right. Kraft is such a fun medium for Christmas.

  6. Great cards! Love all the glitter and especially on the kraft ones! Thanks for sharing with us!

  7. Wonderful cards! Can't wait until my kit gets here!

  8. Beautiful cards. So much fun seeing your cards. Think the craft one with the tree is my favorite. So hard to decide.

  9. I love the white and craft it's one of my favorite combinations

  10. I love the simplicity of your cards. They are very classy!

  11. Love the Christmas trees in white on the Kraft paper along with the red and white twine. Just stunning!

  12. Such cute cards! I need to get me some glitter, lol!

  13. My favorites are the craft cards with white snowflakes. Lovely!!

  14. Thanks for including the information on how you made them! Great for a newbie like myself/

  15. I like your cards, but the last one is so pretty. It would be my favorite.

  16. Beth your cards are great! I am partial to the last one as well.

  17. Love all the cards! At first I wasn't sure about the color palette, but you make it work! TFS

  18. All your cards are great but my favorite is the kraft card with the snowflakes!! Quite beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing!!

  19. Love all the beautiful Christmas series creations, especially on the Kraft ones!

  20. All of them are fantastic! Love the look of the Kraft cards.

  21. Kraft card with white trees my favorite!

  22. Those kraft cards are so cool! Thanks for the tip using the glitter with the wet ink :)

  23. Love the sparkly snowflakes! Beautiful cards. Thanks for sharing.

  24. The kraft cards are my favorite cards, but i like all of them!

  25. Excellent examples using the different colors for your card base. You made the stamps used all come alive.

  26. Hiya Bethie! Beautiful cards that you made and good save!

  27. Beautiful cards! I like how you created the snow. I'll have to try that!

  28. Beautiful cards! I like how you created the snow. I'll have to try that!

  29. Wonderful cards, I especially love the white on Kraft paper!

  30. love the sentiment on them . so joyful to see

  31. I really like the white on Kraft, one of my favorite combos

  32. So many ideas and so many wonderful creations. Thanks for the inspiration.

  33. Gorgeous cards! Thanks for showing how the incentive snowflake works!

  34. Beautiful cards. I'm a sucker for snowflakes. And the craft just sets the last one off. Great projects. Thanks for sharing.

  35. Love your cards, especially the glittery snow flakes. I really love the images in this pretty.

  36. My eyes are I love. I love these cards. Great ideas. Thanks

  37. Beautiful cards! Love how the red really pops against the trees!

  38. Pretty snowflake cards and cute tree cards.

  39. I love the simple cards and the use of Kraft!

  40. Oh Beth, such nice cards! I love them all but, I am really drawn to that last one! They are all Gorgeous. :)

  41. Stunning cards, Beth. Love everything about them. Thanks for sharing.

  42. Ohh..! You cards have put me in the Christmas spirit!! Such lovely use of the pine tree stamps. I love the look of all the cards, particularly the last two!! - Payel (Beau Monde Designs)

  43. Fabulous cards! Beautiful job showing what the kit can do. I also like using the ink left on the stamps for the splatters.
    quilt 4 fun 2 at hot mail dot com

  44. Beth your ideas are wonderful. I am in love with what you did with the Kraft paper. I love using Kraft paper but just didn't think it could be so beautiful with just white embossing and glitter!!!

  45. Craft Holiday Cards are my favorite! Rustic and modern all at the same time!

  46. I especially love the last two cards. The white on Kraft is so striking!

  47. I love Kraft cards and yours are beautiful! Also wonderful use of the patterned paper! Thanks for some great ideas!

  48. I really love your cards. Especially the kraft with the snowflakes.

  49. Lovely cards especially the kraft cards with the snowflakes and trees. Thanks for sharing.

    Linda D.

  50. Wow, I love these cards you have made for us. They are so stylish and love all the glitter!!

  51. Awesome card designs. Fantastic way you dressed them up with glitter too! The kraft ones are among my favorites though.

  52. Love these cards Beth! Gorgeous!!!! Hugs! Seanie

  53. Love all of the cards. So much inspiration!

  54. The trees and snowflakes cards are gorgeous! Thanks also for the incentives ideas.

  55. I love kraft and white, with red or not. So those are my favorites here! Beautiful!

  56. Sweet, I absolutely adore your cards, they are wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing!!

  57. Sweet, I absolutely adore your cards, they are wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing!!

  58. Beautiful cards. I love the white on the Kraft. I also like the Edible Eggplant with the incentive snowflake. Very sparkly.

  59. Love that kraft and white combination...TFS

  60. All of these are gorgeous but the last white on kraft snowflakes is amazing!

  61. Love that kraft paper card. Wonderful. Thank you

  62. So pretty! Love the trees and snowflakes!

  63. I live what you did with the trees. I cannot wait

  64. All of your cards are beautiful but I especially liked the ones done on the kraft card stock.


  65. Your Glittered Snowflake is very achieveable, although I am not quite sure about the Edible Eggplant background, I do like purple, but it is showing as “not quite black” on my screen, so I think I need to see this one in person. Your Merry Christmas Trees are also very achieveable. I like the stamped and / or colored trees that are on so many other cards – but I know that I can trim a piece of paper and attach it to a card base!!! I do like your white trees, and snowflakes, on Kraft paper, but I am not sure that mine would look as good. I do like the way you “rescued” your White Trees on Kraft, and think that it looks at least as good as what you originally had in mind.

  66. I love the sayings in this kit! Everything is great, getting me in the holiday spirit! Thanks!

  67. Great work. I especially love your use of kraft and glitter!

  68. Beautiful cards, REALLY love the white and kraft ones!!! So gorgeous :)

  69. I always enjoying seeing your cards - so simple, and beautiful!

  70. I am continuously drawn to the trees and snowflakes. They are more striking in white

  71. Terrific cards. You gave me some great ideas!

  72. These are lovely... I definitely want these stamp sets!


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