Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Gina K. Design Team August Blog Hop: Stippled Nature

Welcome to my Gina K. Designs Blog Hop!

 The Design Team for Gina K. Designs welcomes you to another fabulous Inspiration Blog Hop!!! Gina and the Design Team will inspire you with many beautiful ideas! And as you hop through their blogs, make sure to leave a comment on each of them because we will choose a few random comments and those stampers will each win a grab bag of deeply etched, pre-cut Gina K. Designs stamps! To see the full list of winners check the Big News forum at Stamp TV a couple of days after the hops!!

  • My cards are done with my first stamp set, released in July with Gina K. designs. The first set puts me in a back-to-school mood. I love the apple, and since it is two step, you can easily add the stem in another color. Rock and Roll technique would work beautifully with this stamp. I am going to put this card in my stash for the end of the school year.

     I used a kraft base and some wisteria lane designer paper, along with a strip of the red hot card stock! I used a small brown button from my big button stash! 

     This second card was created with a kraft base and some of Gina K.
    luxury white card stock. I used the distress honey, rust and mustard inks with the flower from the Stippled nature set.

     A trio of buttons from my stash on the sentiment die cut finishes the design.

    Here is a super simple birthday card. I stamped the flower on white three times with teal zeal ink and then the leaves with pistachio ink.  The sentiment is stamped in teal zeal ink on the kraft base.

    There is a clear dew drop in the center of the flower. I added a small hint of bling with a sakura gel pen.  

      Here is a card with an autum feel using the new card stock, ribbon and designer paper from Gina's collection. I used the acorn and sentiment from Stippled Nature. 
      Finally, I made this super easy card with some fun designer paper from Gina K. I don't normally make purple cards, but I thought that the flower would look great in this color!

      The flower is attached with a foam square - with a small purple button in the center.

    I am going to be sharing MORE samples of Stippled nature tomorrow - so stop back tomorrow morning for another few samples!

    Thank you so much for hopping by here and checking out the cards! Have a great day - be sure to stop by the next blog on the list:

    So start hopping here:
    You came from Gina K's blog

  • Beth Silaika – *THAT'S ME!* Illustrator Stippled Nature
  • Becky Oehlers – Illustrator American Made
  • Tami Mayberry – Illustrator Lighthearted Wishes
  • AJ Otto
  • Carolyn King
  • Cathy Tidwell
  • Deb Felts
  • Giovana Smith
  • Jimmi Mayo
  • Lee Murphy
  • Lori McAree
  • Melanie Muenchinger
  • Theresa Momber
  • Tina Gilliland
  • Vicki Dutcher

  • Then see the AMAZING samples from my Fabulous Four Design Team:

    And stop back TOMORROW for MORE samples!!!


    1. Great cards Beth, all of them!!! I love your great set!!!

    2. I really like the layered blue flower, and pattern you mad in the fall colors!

    3. Love your new set, Beth! Gorgeous samples!

    4. wowza! I always love seeing the illustrators cards, so very inspiring! Love this set Beth!!

    5. All of your cards are so very pretty and fun. Love them all and you too GF!

    6. Awesome cards - I love the designs you use and will be browsing and "case'ing"

    7. Love the simplicity of your cards, they are an inspiration for me

    8. Great cards - love the simplicity of the designs and the colors you used.

    9. What a nice set. Really like the pointy flower. Looks like it would be very versatile.

    10. Great cards!! The set is FANTASTIC...so much fun to stamp with!!

    11. All of the cards are so pretty and simple. Your stamp set is beautiful!

    12. I love your cards. So clean and simple.

    13. Wow! What a versatile stamp set!! Very cute cards:)

    14. Beautiful cards love the layering and the colors. Awesome Stamp sets. thanks for sharing and for the chance to win.

    15. lovely cards, simple and versatile for many uses.

    16. Great stamp set! Great cards! I really love the turquois on kraft card!

    17. What awesome cards. I am eagerly awaiting my stamps now..and this is very inspiring to me.

    18. All your card are fantastic Beth!!

    19. Love the purple and blue flower cards!

    20. What wonderful examples! Love all the flowers you did.

    21. What beautiful cards. Love the colors you chose for all of them. :)

    22. Gorgeous cards, love the simple clean designs and your colour schemes all are lovely :-)

    23. Beautiful cards! I really like your stippled stamp set and am so glad you're with Gina K, now!

    24. Great cards! I just love the distressed flowers.

    25. Loving this stipple stamp set! I love how you did the flowers!

    26. All your cards are so pretty and so simple. Great job.

    27. Your samples are all beautiful. I appreciate the simplicity and elegance. Sometimes I get discouraged because I feel I can't get the more difficult tasks done and ignore my stamps for a while. (I have left side paralysis due to stroke.) Your designs give me hope and inspiration to get inky! Bless you.

    28. I'm a true fan of good CAS cards, and yours certainly qualify. You've done the stamp set proud. ;-) The stippling effect is really nice, I think. It's reminiscent of what my stamping looked like when I first started!!! Ha....

    29. Wow! love your designs, simple, elegant and classy. Gotta love this stamp set

    30. Beautiful and simple. Love these.

    31. Wow, Beth! Totally loving these CAS cards! My favorite style!

    32. Beautiful cards Beth! totally loving your new set. i have to case that first one...perfect for teacher notes!

    33. Wow beautiful projects! Can't wait to try my set out; you have provided such wonderful inspiration! Thank you.

    34. This is a wonderful set and you mentioned the rock and roll technique and I too think that would be great for these images.

    35. Very nice. Thanks for the inspiration!

    36. These are all lovely cards thanks so much for sharing your talent with us. I love the name of your blog too cute!

    37. Loved creating with your new set! Way to rock out the cards~

    38. Oh what a LOT of sweetness!!! Love the fun and colorful designs!

    39. Your new set is lovely! I love all of your samples!

    40. Lovely CAS samples with your new set.

    41. wow what fantastic cards- love them all thanks for sharing

    42. WOW so many pretty cards to look at! Funny, I LOVE your purple one the most! :)

    43. You went crazy making cards and I love them all.

    44. Wow so many beautiful creations. TFS AJ

    45. All the cards you gals show us are simply beautiful and I love ALL of Gina's stamp sets.

    46. Very nice. I enjoy looking at your work, you inspire me.

    47. All your cards are so sweet; simple yet elegant. I'm inspired, thanks.

    48. Fantastic Beth - great set of stamps and lovely collection of cards (you have been BUSY!) I love the blue stacked flower :) it's smiling all over!

    49. love the clean designs on your cards...thanks.

    50. Wonderful Cards! I do alot of cards for OWH and all of these are perfect!

    51. These are great stamp sets. Really like your cards.

    52. Great cards using these sets--I like your use of kraft and buttons.

    53. Bright and easy, just how I like them. Thanks for sharing these inspirational cards, Beth :)

    54. Quick, easy and oh so cute are these cards. I like all the inspiring ideas. TFS Beth

    55. I'm loving the Stipple set. Your cards look great. Nancy

    56. I really love the flower cards you've made! Then again, I love flowers always!

      Thanks for sharing!

      Kris in Alaska
      funamom at yahoo dot com

    57. Lots of ideas, thanks for sharing.

    58. What great cards; love all the samples. thanks for sharing. This is a great stamp set!

    59. I really love all these cards. They look so simple even I could put my touch on them. Thanks

    60. Wonderful samples! Such a versatile stamp set!

    61. Great cards . . . love your simple design. Very inspirational.


    I love your feedback - thanks for taking the time to comment!