Gina K. Designs Changes
Hi Everyone. Thank you for all your wonderful comments during the last release. I was really appreciative of all your support! I wanted to send out a special thank you to the FreckledANDfun Fabulous Four Design Team. They have helped me throughout 2012 getting my stamp line with Gina K. Designs off the ground. In January, there are going to be amazing changes over at Gina K. Designs. With those changes, we have decided to no longer carry personal design teams. While these friends of mine (Debbie, Cindy L., Cindy C., Val & Anita) are no longer going to be focusing on my stamp line, they will continue to inspire me. Please stop by their blogs often to see what they have in store. I have changed the look of my blog and tried to clean things up with the hopes that you are easily able to navigate here easily. Please feel free to share any constructive feedback!
Have a WONDERFUL holiday season!
Thank you for the opportunity Beth! :> Lovely post today!
Thank you Beth for the honor and privilege to design for you. I love your stamps and am so glad you are designing again for a wonderful company.
Just saw looks great! Thanks for being such a great friend! <3
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